I Tested Every Colored Pencil to Find the BEST One… and here are ALL the results!

Of course, taking 90+ pencil brands through 11+ different tests (along with extra research on other factors) adds up to a LOT of information for one blog post. So I’ve broken this article up into a (hopefully) easy-to-navigate mini website for you, where you can go on your own mini journey to find the best colored pencils for any situation.

Below, you’ll find the results of every colored pencil I tested, and the results of every test I performed.

You can watch everything in the video, or scroll down further to navigate to a specific brand of pencils or to a specific test.

Each section of this blog is broken up into pages to help this website load faster for you, and to help you navigate to the right sections quickly without confusion. So bookmark this page now so you can refer back to it whenever you need!

This article is currently under construction while my team and I gather all the information we have collected and build it into a format that’s easy for you to read! Check back frequently for more updates!

PLEASE NOTE: This post contains affiliate links and I may earn a commission if you click them (at no cost to you). I have personally purchased all of the pencils used in this review, except a few that were given to me in the past for other videos/articles. These include Black Widow Monarch, Arrtx, Derwent Chromaflow, Winsor & Newton. None of these brands are associated with this review in any way.

Colored Pencils by Brand

Budget-Priced Colored Pencils

Mid Price Range Colored Pencils


Mid-High Range Colored Pencils

High Price Range Colored Pencils


Colored Pencil Testing Results

(Coming soon) My team and I are working on gathering all the data from each of the following tests so you can see the full results and scores of each set of pencils. We’ll update this page with links as soon as we have this information!

I tested every colored pencil to find the best one cover page

I Tested Every Colored Pencil to Find the BEST ONE…

and here are ALL the results!

Of course, taking 90+ pencils through 11+ different tests (along with extra research on other factors) adds up to a LOT of information for one blog post. So I’ve broken this article up into a (hopefully) easy-to-navigate mini website for you, where you can go on your own mini journey to find the best colored pencils for any situation.


If you can learn to blend pencils, you can color almost anything. But not all pencils blend the same. With the right paper and the right technique, you can blend ANY brand of pencils. But some pencils just make this easier and produce better results for both beginners and advanced artists. Through 2 tests, I identified which colored pencils were the easiest to blend together.


I tested how many layers each pencil can make. Building up layers allows you to mix colors, create smoother blends, and have a lot more overall control in what you are creating. It’s important if you’re wanting to create realistic textures or draw a photorealistic portrait.

Durability & Strength  (coming soon)

If pencils are dropped or damaged, they can break along the entire core, making them crumble. Some pencils are built to be more durable and resist breakage, so I tested which pencils could handle more pressure and would be less likely to break. I also tested which could hold a sharp point for the longest.

Erasability  (coming soon)

I want to see which colored pencils can be erased, whether I’ve colored lightly or colored heavily. This can actually be a clever way to create highlights or bring back lighter areas when drawing things like hair or fur. And, of course, erasing is helpful if you’ve made a mistake.

Water-Resistance  (coming soon)

I wanted to test if the pencils are water resistant or water soluble. If you’re wanting to use your colored pencils with mixed media or any kind of sealing spray or fixative, you want to be sure that it’s not going to move if it gets wet. Or in some cases, you may prefer a water-soluble pencil.

Pencil Barrel Design  (coming soon)

For this test, I looked at whether the pencil barrel matched the color of the actual core, and rated the pencils according to whether they included color names, numbers, and displayed easy-to-read fonts and colors.

Other things tested  (coming soon)

I also tested color intensity, opacity on dark paper, performance on markers, along with researching some general information about the pencils. Read about it here.

90+ Brands of Colored Pencils tested for Lightfastness.

Lightfastness  (coming soon)

I’m planning to do my own proper lightfast testing on every single colored pencil brand from this article. Please subscribe to my email newsletter for updates on when this gets published in 2025!

The Best Colored Pencils

After all this testing, I did choose some winners for some different categories of colored pencils. You can find the finalists in the video above, but I’ll also be updating this series of articles to include these finalists here as well, with more detail on the results and winners.

Finalist categories include:

  1. The Best Colored Pencils for Beginners
  2. The Best Value Colored Pencils
  3. The Best Pastel Range Colored Pencils
  4. The Best Prismacolor Alternatives
  5. The Best Polychromos Alternatives
  6. The Best Overall Colored Pencils

Don’t forget to bookmark this page for future reference!