Use this color comparison wheel to test out your pencils or markers and practice shading.
You can print of as many copies as you need, so you can use a separate page for each set of pencils you own, or you can use the boxes to test out different color combinations.
You can print a copy onto the same paper as your coloring pages to see how your pencils will react to the paper stock.
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Anonymous (verified owner) –
Nyasha Munjoma (verified owner) –
Francine Lagace (verified owner) –
Again as I don’t own a printer it’s hard for me to rate the wheel, but I can’t wait to use it. Hence my 3 stars.
Angela Sluder (verified owner) –
I’m not really familiar with this sheet, as I haven’t printed it yet, but, I look forward to using it!
Anonymous (verified owner) –
SusanM (verified owner) –
Haven’t tried this yet.
Judy (verified owner) –
Peggy Picasso (verified owner) –
I realize the color wheel is a essential supportive sheet .I however feel that too many tend to follow the wheel to the point of rigidity //We all would do well if we did experiment and not have fears to explore different types of pencils and paper to create some creative effects ..I detest following color numbers to the point of nausea like it is a baking recipe ……We all can and should try to not fear adding a few variations like when we add a novel item to our cookies recipe even though it is not included on paper..Colorists who try to relax when they are coloring should not worry if their own picture is not a duplicate for another person’s work..We all are individuals and so should all our WIP colotrings show this exceptional individuality. I love seeing a creative picture which reflects a fantastic approach that is so different in the color palette than ever before demonstrated. Relax >>> R for revive your childhood feelings …. E for enjoy art supplies of all types L is for love your self and what you are creating ….A .allow yourself to think out of the box ..X is for xtra appreciation of all colorists’ individuality when they color or paint or create any form of art expression .