  • 25977
    Download this free sample page from my Color the Alphabet Adult Coloring Book. Color the Alphabet is an A-Z Coloring Book for grown-ups that includes all 26 letters of the alphabet in detailed coloring pages. Each page includes a letter with an intricate pattern on the inside and a thick white border, mounted on a background that includes a similar intricate pattern. The patterns have been hand drawn and then digitally manipulated to create a detailed kaleidoscope effect, with additional hidden letters inside each design. The back of the book includes a second design of each letter page, but half the size, so you can cut them out to use for cardmaking or scrapbooking. The pages are all single sided and are framed within a border, so it’s easy to cut out an individual coloring page for framing as a gift without ruining the other designs in the book. Check out the full book HERE. 💾 Instant Digital Download
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  • 50265
    One tree... many uses! Here are some ideas to make this simple coloring page more interesting, and even practical!
    • Write out your goals/dreams in each circle and color them as you achieve them.
    • Turn it into a family tree
    • Use it as a color comparison wheel or blending practice chart
    • Use each circle as a to-do list item
    • Practice your own doodling patterns in each of the sections of the tree
    • Use it as a countdown / advent calendar (each circle is a day)
    • Or just color it in and make it pretty :)
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  • 25617 18074

    3D Stars – Free Adult Coloring Page

    Everyone loves free coloring pages! So please enjoy this one from my collection. This free coloring page is made up of digitally drawn stars. If you like it, please use the links below to share with your friends! 💾 Instant Digital Download
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  • 50214

    Lion – Adult Coloring Page

    £0.86 inc. Tax
    This tribal-style lion coloring page is a great additional to your adult coloring book collection for anyone who loves jungle or safari coloring pages, tribal or tattoo designs, or lions. It's a good intermediate  level coloring page for men, women and kids who enjoy coloring. 💾 Instant Digital Download
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  • 50248
    "My baby loves me" When you need this reminder, combine the therapeutic art of coloring with the power of positive thinking with this affirmation coloring page! This printable coloring page is a sample from my book "A Year of Coloring Affirmations for New Mothers". The book includes 52 coloring pages of positive affirmations, and many are not just for moms! It includes quotes like "It's OK to as for help, I am not alone", "Every day gets a little bit easier", "I have so much to be grateful for", "I am strong enough to fight my insecurities", "I know that everything is going to be OK", This too shall pass", and so many more. So even if you're not a new mother, why stop at one page? You can download and print the whole Coloring Book "A Year of Affirmations for New Mothers" with 52 coloring pages for only $5.95! Get it HERE. 💾 Instant Digital Download
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